import win32com. Note that the address is an alias so I can't log into the account in Outlook. You can also use your Outlook account to change Outlook file location. Note: When a new Exchange email account is set up, a new OST file will be created automatically at the default location that you’ve chosen for OST file. How can I edit the default reply-to address, so that when someone replies to the automated email it will get sent to a specific address? Alternatively, can I modify the address that the email is sent from? I tried to modify the Msg.SentOnBehalfOfName property but had no success with that. Close Registry Editor and restart MS Outlook. After that, click on the General Tab to set Microsoft Outlook as Default. However, if the user has an attachment in the form of word document, the picture viewer tries. This can come as handy if a user has a JPEG, JPG, or GIF image file. One of Outlooks annoying features is that it opens any word file attachment of emails with default Windows photo viewer. First, go to the Apple Mail and select Preferences option. Change the Default Type for Opening an Attachment in Outlook.
To send an email by running a python script. Change Default Email Client To MS Outlook or Outlook Express Software 7.0. Approach 1 To Set Mac Microsoft Outlook as Default Email Client.
I'm using code similar to Steve Townsend's answer from this question: Send Outlook Email Via Python?